28.11.2018 19:00 Uhr
Tenri – Japanisch-Deutsche KulturWerkstatt, Köln
an zwei Konzertabenden
Story 1, für Flöte (Norbert Rodenkirchen, Deutschland) und Gitarre
Story 2, für Perkussion (Rie Watanabe, Japan) und E-Gitarre
Sweatshops feed on desperation. Capitalists desperate to turn a buck. Indigents desperate to feed their families. Consumers desperate for a bargain. Composers desperate for a premier. Performers desperate for fresh meat. From Alabama shotgun shacks to Bangladeshi t-shirt-spewing kindergarten labor-camps to Hamburg’s billion-euro Elbphilharmonie to Greenpoint popup galleries, back in time to New York’s 1911 garment district tinderboxes, forward in time to Martian Hon Hai Precision iPhone 500 factories, misery goes in one end and product comes out the other.
Our product is the first hearing of four duo suites. Story 1, for flute and classical guitar, draws on Fields’ grab bag of techniques for musical coherence and incoherence. Story 2, for percussion and electric guitar, studies dynamics and density (28. Nov. 2018). Story 3, for two acoustic steel-string guitars, dissects analog looping and drones. Story 4, for mezzo-soprano and electric guitar, is vignettes of Fields’ seemingly never-ending discommoding experiences (30. Nov. 2018).